- #Destiny 2 forsaken city of secrets quest how to#
- #Destiny 2 forsaken city of secrets quest mod#
- #Destiny 2 forsaken city of secrets quest mods#
The IKELOS Sniper Rifle and Shotgun will be locked to Solar.
#Destiny 2 forsaken city of secrets quest mod#
Some weapons will be moving to the Kinetic Slot and will not retain elemental damage regardless of what mod you had applied.
#Destiny 2 forsaken city of secrets quest mods#
On August 28, the old mod slot will go away, and you will no longer be able to insert any mods into Year 1 gear or change the elemental damage type. They will retain that damage type after the mod deprecation. “Between now and the preload on August 28, use your Year 1 mods to lock in the elemental damage type you want for your Year 1 weapons. There are some big changes coming which are summed up from the August 9th edition of “This Week at Bungie”.

#Destiny 2 forsaken city of secrets quest how to#
Over the next two weeks you’ll want to start getting your ducks in a row about what weapons you’ll want to bring with you into Forsaken and how to optimise the space in your vault. Follow that method and you’ll jump up in power in no time to help you get ready for The Dreaming City and the secrets it holds! For example, once you have finished all your raiding which will drop the highest amount of high level gear, infuse and then hit up your first milestone, cash it in, infuse again, move onto the next milestone and rinse and repeat until your finished. That way you can infuse as much gear as you can so the next milestone will drop at another higher level. In our clan we run standard raids, prestige raids and then the milestones, one at a time as you go. The most efficient and quickest way to increase that light level cap is to get your fireteam together and hit those raids. Once you hit that soft cap, this is where you want to start looking at your milestones. Once Forsaken drops, my best bit of advice to level up quickly is depending on what the first week’s public event milestone is, go to either The EDZ or Nessus where there are a tonne of public events that spawn back to back, so that you can grind that level cap up to whatever the new soft cap is by wearing and using the blue equipment that drops. So, take advantage of the next two weeks of milestones and try and increase that cap as much as you can. Why you ask? Well the new level cap will max out at 50 with max light being 600. The current level cap is 30 with a light level of 405 (which can only be hit via prestige raid lairs) and you’ll want to be as close to this level as you can when Forsaken drops. As a hardened grizzled veteran of Destiny, I thought I’d bring you some information, tips and tricks that will set you up for success come September 4! The second expansion, Warmind, has done a much better job at engaging the community with a lot more content both PvE and PvP with multiple events and quests that have well and truly brought the grind back. With less than two weeks to go, the sci-fi shooter Destiny 2 is in a very interesting state with the first expansion, Curse of Osiris, being widely recognised as disappointing to say the least.