His mindless rant, often confusing it with sagacity. AsĪ result we have made Vidriera, rather than Tomás, famous, for Questioned the quality of the evidence he presents as wisdom. Not objected to the narrator's eccentric focus nor have many The narrator's bias replicates that of the community that wasĮntertained by Vidriera's lunacies. Tomás (now self-pseudo-named Rueda), having disowned Vidriera,Īchieves fame abroad for his prudence and valor. Phase of his subject's life that culminates and concludes when Which the suffering Tomás is called Vidriera and wins fame for Order to focus narrowly on an anomalous psychotic episode during (Tomás, self-surnamed Rodaja) away from his brilliant youth in The narrator skews the history of the appropriate protagonist Who applaud the product of the narrator's primitive craft work. Who recollect and treasure the taunting, and that of real readers On several narrative planes: that of the crowd that taunts an invalidįor two years, that of the narrator and his implied readers, «El licenciado Vidriera» is an eccentric story in several respects Something needs to be done to dissolve it. If inadvertent, conspiracy and an unconscionable abuse, and The near effacement of the exemplaryĬharacter Tomás by his mindless shadow is a second, pernicious Select imaginary beings conceded lodging in the Spanish RoyalĪcademy Dictionary 27. Shares quarters with those other unforgettable figments among the Vidriera lives on in popular imagination, and Hundreds of creatures, excepting only Don Quixote, his Turned out to be more memorable than any other of Miguel de Cervantes' Consequently,įor real readers and Spanish-speakers generally, Vidriera has (through his narrator's commission) he appropriates. His public and on real readers of the story whose attention Vidriera leaves indelible impressions, however, on Latter's mind after a time without leaving behind so much as a To the should-be protagonist, Tomás, and he vacates the Product of a vindictive and poisonous conspiracyīears only a superficial relation and resemblance The latter's second self, whom he makes the His subject, whose name is Tomás, and favors The narrator of «El licenciado Vidriera» slights Suyo, al parecer, huecas palabras y frases vacías de

No achaquemos al autor deĮllas este desencanto, sino a la misma índole del género,Īlado y fugacísimo que idos los motivos ocasionalesĭe la gracia, vase ésta con ellos, dejando en lugar Momento-, pierden la viveza de sus colores y se Menor prontitud, muere son como flores que, arrancadasĭe sus tallos -la ocasión, la oportunidad y el Huella en el ánimo nace brillantemente, y, con no Lo que parece una peripatética conversación con el público que le tiene acorralado es más bien un torturado monólogo con el que Vidriera no hace más que reflejar los nocivos valores recibidos de la comunidad lingüística a la que forzosamente sirve de lengua.Įl apotegma es fruto baladí y pasajero, cosquillea aįlor de piel pasada la primera impresión deja escasa Desde el comienzo de su reinado de obispo de locos hasta la restauración de su entendimiento, el protagonista de «El licenciado Vidriera» es incapaz de hablar por su cuenta.